A single sheet of paper can't decide my future

Can a single sheet of paper decide your future!?

As we all know the result of the board examinations has come. Thousands of students have overwhelmed with joy. To a very large extent students actually have done very well.
But every coin has 2 sides. I have seen many students being disappointed with their results.
Have you ever gone to the root of this and tried to find out the reason for this.
If you are one of those, read on.

There is a famous proverb:-
"Tomorrow is my exam, but I don't care because a single sheet of paper can't decide my future."

We all have seen this saying getting updated on someone's story or someone's display picture. I personally seen most of the students follow this proverb But do you think by writing all this that you are becoming cool? Do you even know who said these lines?

This famous quote said by the famous scientist Thomas Edison. Yes you heard it right Thomas Alva Edison. I do not know if the proverb is really from Edison and it may even be valid for him, but is it really applicable for us people?
(Think carefully)

You know what kind of person Thomas Edison was, why did he say these words. He was a man of patience who even after failing 1000 times, didn’t leave the hope. He had that confidence, but do we have the same? No, a big no we can't have the same confidence to face failures in our life. 

We cannot compare ourselves with Thomas Edison. Because there is a difference of generations in the past and in the present day.
we must try to be more real and try to understand the harsh realities of life.

Let me give you an example to explain the importance of single sheet of paper! 

-One and only your damn single sheet of paper can get you an admission in a good college.
 I hope I need not to explain the importance of good college/universitie in your career.

The single sheet of paper may probably not decide your future, but it can definitely leave some ever-lasting gaps in it. So, you better take it seriously or else you will get ready to see your damn destiny  ruining by your own hands!!

This article is not written to degrade anyone or to embarrass anyone, but to make you feel genuine and to think wisely about your career.


  1. Yes .... positivity is always helps in all way of life.....👍

  2. A message that can influence many youths 💯 well done bro !


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